Active Meditation vs. The Trap of Depression through conventional Meditation

Active Meditation

vs. The Trap of Depression through conventional Meditation

Some of us find ourselves to be depressed at times. And we might come into contact with the idea of quiet meditation. And it might help to some degree. But we can become trapped in it. And start demonizing our innate joy and the way we are naturally meant to express and through that expression keep our bodies and minds in a healthy, vibrant, productive/creative condition.

We can call this active meditation as Osho coined the term through his version of active meditation which is, in its nature very expressive.
Some of us are meant to sing.
Sing for ourselves. Sing for the planet.
Create waves. Harmonize. Rhythmizise. And through that cause all kinds of beneficial effects which we can not understand with conventional thinking.

These waves, which we are creating though singing, through drumming and playing other instruments transform our bio-energy into wave-energy. That can heal, support and heck it might cause or assist in the creation of life on the other side of the planet or the other side of the universe. We have no idea.

That is why teachings like the “Follow your highest excitement” which is thought by teachers like BASHAR remind us that we should not try to understand the usefulness of our actions with rational thinking always. Because there are a lot of things that we can not understand.

Teal swan, in one of her videos, gave a metaphor which i would like to borrow for this purpose. An ant that is stuck in a room and which wants to get back into the forest has no possibility to understand who to get there because all it can see is the room which it is in currently. And it has not understanding of how humans function and how we are able to bring the ant back to the forest.

Just in that way we have no idea of how forces beyond our understanding function. Such as the entire understanding of what sound waves could be beneficial for.

So sing my friend.
Dance my friend.
Play, joke, laugh, and turn of that analytical mind as you realize that it is limited.




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